Divine seekers International [DSI]
This is an organization envisioned to just actualizing the Great Commission in Mathew 28:19 – 20, to “Teach them to observe all that Jesus Commanded” , it is in conviction that when people are taught all these commands of Jesus and they observe to do and do them then they shall be wise and do greater works than He did and He Himself mentioned in Mathew 7: 24 – 27 and John 14:12.
DSI Vision
”Developing Transformational Lives”
DSI Has been organizing Prayer and Worship Nights in different churches with the purpose of raising true Spiritual praise and worship teams who understand
- Purpose of worship and
- Spiritual and truth worship
DSI has been able to assist in a few instances with the few resources that we have like,
- Giving foodstuffs
- Helping pays school fees and
- Buy some school items
DSI understands the purpose of mentorship in influencing the next generation so we have managed to mentor in,
- Colleges
- High schools
- Primary schools and
- Clubs
As a very important tool in transformation, DSI has managed to do training to leadership who are actively serving, we have managed to work with,
- Church Leaders, that is Pastors, Assistants and other church leaders
- Sunday school teachers and school teachers